Our Offer
We support teams as well as organisations.
Our agile community development approach turns your aspirations into real world outputs.We see the potential of digital to democratise access to information and services. However, we know that many digital services are built in silos, failing to take account of barriers to access. Instead of reducing inequity, we are in danger to perpetuating and creating new inequalities.
There is no longer the excuse of not being able to reach diverse communities. The People Street team is at hand to support you and your projects.We will continue to work relentlessly to become the inclusion standard, providing living experience, big picture as well as nuanced insights to create great products for ALL.
Get in touch to find out how we can help you reach the communities you serve.
Our mission is your mission! We were set up to bridge the startling gap in research and recruitment. We understand that researchers, academics, service designers, and policymakers are dedicated to incorporating diverse perspectives, yet often face challenges in achieving this goal.
Together, we can transform aspirations into reality and foster inclusive projects that truly reflect a variety of voices and tackles inequality.
We offer participant recruitment to ensure you're reaching and hearing from the most excluded and under-heard communities. We take an intersectional approach ensuring we maximise the learning and insight.
We also recruit and facilitate group sessions such as focus groups and workshops. We encourage you to sit in these sessions so you build your inclusive research muscles.
We love sharing our practice. We don't believe in keeping a good thing to ourselves. Invite us to your team meeting, UCD event, training or event. But be ware, we come with buckets of enthusiasm and practical examples that you can take back into your own practice.
We offer a support service when you need a hand testing out written content. Creating accessible and inclusive content is at the heart of our business. Let us help you create an engaging and easy to understand survey or info sheet. We can review your research protocols through an equity lens and offer ways you can maximise impact within your budget and timeframe.
Our services include translation, screening and wrap-around support for vulnerable participants.

What They’re Saying
"The design team and I found it incredibly helpful to get Shabira's advice on how we make sure we are designing the Connected Care product to be equitable, person-centred and focused on the needs of the individual, particularly as this is a multi-sided proposition for older adults as well as both professional and informal carers."
BT- Senior Product Strategy Manager
“This vibrant and informative EDI session has encouraged our students to become critical thinkers and equipped them with a strategic tool to look from different lens. Hopefully giving students the confidence to commit to engage in accessible and inclusive practices, now and within their future roles, giving those with lived experience an authentic voices to shift the balance of power.”
Coventry University
"Our discussion highlighted the need to continue to try and involve harder to reach groups and those with protected characteristics in the design process to make sure the product is both suitable and accepted. I would be keen to keep in touch over the coming weeks and months to support us in accessing these harder to reach communities to make sure our product, product roadmap and general messaging are inclusive."
Futures Products_ BT
"Shabira trained the LEAP Core Team on Appreciating Bias followed by a session on Inclusive Design. Her enthusiasm and practical examples brought to life what can be sensitive but essential subject areas for a community based programme. She also met us where we were at, ensuring that the training was both relevant and engaging, providing personal challenges from which we can learn as both individuals and as part of a team. The training has definitely enhanced our understanding of inclusive practices and how we administer them across our programme."
David Wood- LEAP Programme Manager